13 October 2008

Comfort or Conform

To comfort or to conform....that is the ?

I've often heard women say that it's fashionable to wear shoez that maybe uncomfortable in attempt to conform. Women I've dated (not disclosing a #) have spoken to the fact that some foot wear have a time frame of, let's say, dos horas. So, I'm privy to this concept on the chicks side.

Now, having said this...Last week, a buddy of mine (whom which is a fashionista in Atlanta) were having lunch at a little spot known for having healthy eats on Ponce de Leon and we commenced to elaborate on shoe comfort.

I enjoy listing to his perspective because he brings a different angle from which I stand and I'm sure that some of you may support.

Lets refer to him as "Mr. T." Mr. T says that he agrees with the notion that most women subscribe to. Certain shoez are for certain occasions.(and your feet may turn into pumpkins if you don't get them out of there in time.) He further spoke of purchasing some fly#** kicks from "Bally's" and they needed to be broken in. So he passed them along to a friend of his to be loosing up. So when Mr. T got his kicks back, the shoez were a little bit more comfortable but I'd gathered from our conversation, It wasn't exactly what he'd expected. Now I'm not to keen on passing along my kicks to my boy to break'em in. That's my job!

If your footwear isn't comfort don't conform. Before the evening is over, you'll be walking like that fine mujer in that cute fitting outfit unfashionably tip toeing accross the street. You know the one that we say, "she's walking like her feet hurt."

Like is stated in the "zapatos" piece, make the investment on the front-end and your feet will thank you. Your kicks should provide you with estilo and comfort before departing the store if not keep your pesos. Do your research. Find shoe companies that design shoez tailoring your foot make. All shoez are not for all fellas.

Mr. T and I disagreed on shoe comfort but we did agree that the quesadilla's was a good fit!

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